Jon Kostyniuk

Transportation, Electrical, Technology

Tag: transportation

Improving Public Health Through Active Transportation

When I walk or ride my bike to work each day, I don’t typically think about this action’s relationship to my health.  To me, it is an enjoyable part of my day and a utilitarian activity I need to perform in order to get from A to B.  In my blissful ignorance, I don’t always consider how choosing active transportation is impacting my health, nor how my surrounding environment entices me to choose active transportation as my means of travel.

Recently, I had the opportunity to volunteer as an independent panelist at the AGM of a major Ontario political party on the subject of Active Transportation and Health alongside their transportation critic and a registered nurse.  It also allowed me to interact with the public to hear their questions and concerns regarding the topic.  Both the preparation and the experience had the effect of making me further consider my role as a transportation engineer. Continue reading

Welcome to My Personal Blog

Hello and thank you for checking out my personal blog!

My name is Jon Kostyniuk and I have worked as a professional engineer for the past 10 years. In that time, I have gained some great experience, while at the same time I am humbled by what I have yet to learn.

I am starting this blog because I thought it was time to begin a conversation on topics that I am interested in and passionate about that transcend what I do on a daily basis in my career. Through the process of this conversation, I hope to learn more and further my experience in the areas of interest discussed here. Continue reading

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